Long A Spelling Worksheets
Long A Spelling Worksheets . A collection of English ESL worksheets for home learning, online practice, distance learning and English classes to teach about long, a, long a. In this section of long "a" worksheets, observe each picture, figure out its name, and. Phonics Story and Activities, Long A Vowel Sound Spelling ... (Leonard Carlson) Spelling -Long A (A-E) Determine the correct spelling of Long Vowel A words. Long vowel words are words that have the silent E at the end such as cake , hike , note When treating the silent E, one common explanation that teachers use is that the E 'bosses' the vowel and changes it from a short to a long vowel (this of. These spelling worksheets contain the words rake, face, lake, page, save, grade, take, name We have five different worksheets so you can do a different one each day of the week. This phonics unit involves both short-A and long-A words. You can download this worksheet by upgrading to a P